Lawn Rusts

Example image of Lawn Rusts

Lawn Rusts Symptoms:

  • Lawn Rusts are a lawn disease that start as light yellow flecks on the leaf blades and sheaths.

  • Flecks enlarge, elongate, and turn yellow in color.

  • Infected areas rise above the epidermis and then rupture, releasing spores that are yellowish-orange to reddish-orange in color.

  • Leaf blades turn yellow, starting at the tip and progressing to the base of the sheath.

  • Severe disease infection can cause the shoot to turn yellowish to reddish-brown in color and slow in growth.

  • Turf may appear thin as individual shoots die.

Conditions Favoring Disease:

  • Typically occur in early spring through fall, depending on the location of the turf.

  • Favors low-light areas.

  • Depending on the species, rusts favor temperatures between 65F and 86F.

  • Severe rusts infections occur on slow-growing turfgrass, particularly those with low nitrogen levels and/or plant water stress.

Get A Quote On Lawn Care Today

Spring Touch offers our customers a customized lawn care program. The program can use professional control methods, organic products, or a hybrid professional/organic approach. Note that the organic lawn care program does not provide weed control. Expect results to take 3-4 treatments per year to achieve disease control on your lawn. Spring Touch recommends our 6 step lawn care program to remove diseases and thicken up your existing turf lawn. For more information call 248-826-5296 or email to get a quote on your lawn care program today.
