Knotweed (Polygonum Arenastrum)
Knotweed is an annual plant commonly found in infertile compacted soil. You'll notice this plant along driveways, sidewalks and heavy traffic areas. This is a low growing plant with a mat-like structure. The stems, housing dull blue-green leaves, grow outward from a central taproot. You may notice purple flower clusters growing at the end of stems.
Facts About Knotweed:
- It can survive mowing, compacted soil, and drought conditions
- A Single plant can grow 3 to 4 feet in diameter
- Some people mistake this plant for spotted spurge, the easiest way to tell the difference is to break off the stem. Spurges contain a milky sap, knotweed does not.

Maintaining a healthy dense turfgrass lawn with proper watering, fertilizing, postemergent broadleaf weed control, and aeration will help in combating the growth of knotweed. It is not recommended to pull the plants, as tiny seeds can be spread and replanted. Granular fertilizers and liquid weed control applications will also help turfgrass dominate the lawn and prevent undesirable weeds.
Get A Quote On Lawn Care Today
Spring Touch offers our customers a customized lawn care program. The program can use professional control methods, organic products, or a hybrid professional/organic approach. Note that the organic lawn care program does not provide weed control. The recommended treatment for knotweed is a broad spectrum postemergent herbicide. Expect results to take at least 3-4 treatments per year to achieve white clover control on your lawn. Spring Touch recommends our 6 step lawn care program to remove knotweed and thicken up the existing turfgrass of your lawn. For more information call 248-826-5296 or email to get a quote on your lawn care program today.!--more-->